04.08.11 – Most recent SCUBA videos (HD)
A year and a half ago I got a tiny Canon Powershot SD780 is and the matching housing.
Here are the first three new videos with this camera. It works, sometimes, but I didn’t expect much. My main complaints are; there are no controls to fix focus (always auto-focus blows) and no way to fix the exposure controls, and the auto mode is slow compared to my SD panasonic camcorder. But then again, it has manual white balance, fits (with housing) in a BC pocket, and shoots at 720p and was less than $500 total. I may go DSLR and house it if I get the itch to do more pro looking underwater stuff. I honestly haven’t been diving as much lately, work (symantec corp) is pretty busy and I had more foot problems (gout, high arch pain). I also got more into reefkeeping, which is like bringing the diving home to the living room. Even with all that, I did get 7 or 8 dives in during 2010, here are 4 videos shot with the new Canon.
A nice dive at Catalina Island, vis was great, beautiful day for diving!
A video from the Dive Park at Avalon, always a nice dive (dove with Eric)
A boat trip to Catalina Island – vis was kinda poor, but I saw two large Soupfin sharks and got it on video, AWESOME!
04.08.11 – New blog format for socaldivevideos.com!
Holy crap, it’s about time to update the website. Decided to use wordpress to make everything easy to update, have comments, that kind of thing. I will probably be changing the look of the site over the next few days and add custom graphics and such. Let me know if you like it!
– Mike Thibeau